Bring your innovative business to Canada through the Start-Up Visa Program

Start-Up Visa

The start-up visa program is a federal program, which means you can move to Canada together with your family as permanent residents. And unlike with other immigration pathways, you will not be required to stay or settle in a specific province or region.

The requirements to apply for the start-up visa program are simple and straight-forward. You must have an innovative business or business idea to bring to Canada. There is no age limit in applying for the start-up visa but you do need to meet the language requirement of CLB 5.

You must secure a letter of support from a designated organization which means you’re not required to invest any of your own money. The minimum investment required is the investment that comes from a designated Canadian venture capital fund or angel investor group. You do, however, need to prove that you have enough funds to cover living expenses for you and your dependents.

The Canada Start-Up Visa is designed to encourage entrepreneurs from around the world to launch their start-up businesses in Canada. The program provides a pathway for foreign entrepreneurs to obtain permanent residency in Canada by starting and scaling their innovative business ventures. 

How to Move to Canada through Start-Up Visa Program

Canada’s Start-up Visa Program targets immigrant entrepreneurs with the skills and potential to build businesses in Canada (outside Quebec) that 

  •  are innovative 
  •  can create jobs for Canadians 
  •  can compete on a global scale 

If you can get support for your business idea from one of the designated organizations, you may be able to immigrate to Canada. The process of immigrating through Start-up Visa program includes two processes.  

  1. Immigrate with a start-up visa 
  1. Get a work permit while you wait for your start-up visa process outcome 
Important Definitions about Start-Up Visa Program in Canada

Below are some of the definitions to be understood before applying. 

  • Start-up Business: It is a new business intended to be operated in Canada which meets the criteria of a qualifying business. 
  • Designated Organizations/ entities: There are three types of entities designated by the Minister and eligible to issue commitments under the Start-up Business program. 

1. An Angel Investor Group

Angel investor groups are made up of members who invest their own capital in start-ups, usually in exchange for equity. Angel investor groups help their members in a variety of ways, which can include: 

  • identifying investment opportunities 
  • pooling their capital 
  • standardizing the investment process for angel investors 


2. Venture Capital Fund

Venture capital funds raise and manage capital to place equity investments in start-ups with high growth potential. Venture capital funds support start-ups through their investment and can also provide: 

  • operational experience 
  • technical knowledge 
  • networks 
  • mentorship 


3. Business incubator: Business incubators help start-ups grow by offering a range of services, which can include: 

  • physical space and facilities 
  • capital 
  • business mentoring 
  • networking connections 


  • Minimum commitment from designated organizations: The minimum financial commitment from all three designated organizations is as follows: 


1. An angel investor group: Either one individually or more than one jointly confirming that it is investing at least $75,000 in a qualifying business. 

2. Venture capital fund: Either one individually or more than one jointly confirming that it is investing at least $200,000 in a qualifying business. 

3. Business incubator: a designated business incubator confirming that it is accepting the applicant into its business incubator program. 

  • Qualifying Business: A start-up business must meet the following conditions as being qualifying.
    • At the time of getting commitment from designated organization:
      • Maximum 5 people can apply as owners
      • Each applicant holds 10% or more of the voting rights attached to all shares
      • Applicants and the designated organization jointly hold more than 50% of the total voting rights attached to all shares 
    • At the time of receiving PR
      • Active and ongoing business management from within Canada
      • An essential part of business operations happens in Canada
      • The business is incorporated in Canada  


  • Letter of Support: A letter given to the applicant by the designated angel investor group, venture capital fund or business incubator which the applicant must include with their application. 


  • Commitment: A term sheet/client agreement (Signed by the designated entity) in combination with a Commitment Certificate completed by an authorized member of the designated entity, binding the applicant to a designated entity.  


  • Commitment Certificate: A commitment sent electronically to IRCC from the designated angel investor group, venture capital fund or business incubator along with the term sheet/client agreement.  A commitment certificate is valid for 6 months after the date it is issued. 


  • Language Proficiency: Applicant must have appeared for IRCC approved language tests to be eligible for the program. The approved language tests are; 
    • For English Language, (General Test only) 


  • Settlement Funds: The Government of Canada does not give financial support to new start-up visa immigrants. When you apply, you’ll need to give proof that you have the money to support yourself and your dependents after you arrive in Canada. You can’t borrow this money from another person. The amount you need depends on the size of your family. Amounts are updated every year. 

Number of 
family members 

Funds required 
(in Canadian dollars) 















If more than 7 people, for each additional family member 



    • For proof of funds, you must get official letters from any banks or financial institutions where you are keeping money. Letter(s) must: 

      • be printed on the financial institution’s letterhead 
      • include their contact information (address, telephone number and email address) 
      • include your name 
      • list outstanding debts such as credit card debts and loans 
      • include, for each current bank and investment account: 
      • account numbers 
      • the date each account was opened 
      • the current balance of each account 
      • the average balance for the past six months 


  • An essential person: An essential person is critical to the business and will be specifically identified as essential by the designated organization on the commitment certificate and letter of support.
  • Significant economic benefit to Canada: Your your work or business will provide a significant economic benefit to Canada. Such as, 
    • job creation 
    • product or service innovation 
    • boost to remote economies
    • training opportunities for Canadians 
Eligibility Requirements

For the Applicant, below are the mandatory requirements to be eligible. 


  • Have a qualifying business  
  • Get a letter of Support from a designated organization 
  • Must have minimum of CLB 5 in any of the approved language tests 
  • Bring enough Settlement funds 
How to Move to Canada through Start-Up Visa Program

Canada’s Start-up Visa Program targets immigrant entrepreneurs with the skills and potential to build businesses in Canada (outside Quebec) that 

  •  are innovative 
  •  can create jobs for Canadians 
  •  can compete on a global scale 

If you can get support for your business idea from one of the designated organizations, you may be able to immigrate to Canada. The process of immigrating through Start-up Visa program includes two processes.  

  1. Immigrate with a start-up visa 
  1. Get a work permit while you wait for your start-up visa process outcome 
Read more Articles about the Start-Up Visa Program
Step-by-Step Process

The Entire process of immigrating through start-up visa program is divided into two processes.  

1. Designated Organization’s Support 

2. Permanent Residency Application 

Start-Up Visa Optional Work Permit

If you already applied for permanent residence through the Start-Up Visa Program (SUV), you might also be able to get an optional work permit. This would let you do the work to start your business while we process your start-up visa application. 

This work permit 

  • is only for the Start-up Visa Program 
  • is valid for up to 3 years 
  • is an open work permit that lets you work as an entrepreneur to develop your business and for other employers too to supplement your income



Eligibility Requirements

For all the essential applicants, below are the mandatory requirements to be eligible. 

  • Have already submitted your PR application for the SUV program 
  • You must have been identified as essential by the designated organization   
  • Intend to live in a province or territory other than Quebec 
  • Show that your work or business will provide a significant economic benefit to Canada. 
  • Bring enough settlement and investment funds 



Which family members can accompany you?

If you apply for a work permit, you may be able to bring your 

  • spouse or common-law partner 
  • dependent children 


They need to meet the requirements for temporary residence.  

  • spouse or common-law partner can apply for an open work permit 
  • dependent children can apply for study permit (This includes children who are too young to attend school) 


You can submit all applications for your family with your work permit application. 



You’re both the employer and employee in the Start-Up Visa Program. This means you apply for your work permit in 2 steps:  

  1. Create and submit an offer of Employment 
  2. Apply for Work Permit 

Adapt’s Service Fees

Our fees for assisting with the Start-Up Visa (SUV) program are as follows:

  • Permanent Residency (SUV) Application: $12,500 per founder
  • Work Permit Application: $7,500
  • Spousal Open Work Permit (SOWP): $2,500
  • Study Permit for Children: $1,000 per child

For additional services and breakdown of other fees, please visit our service fees section.

Required Documents

Before starting work permit application, prepare these documents: 

1. proof you (and all team members, if you have any) submitted your application for permanent residence, such as a 

  • letter of acknowledgment from us 
  • courier receipt for the application package you mailed to us & proof of you paid your fees 
  • confirmation you submitted your application online and proof you paid your fees 

2. Letter of Support from Designated Organization 

3. Proof of Enough settlement funds 

4. Offer of Employment number  

  • You can find it in the Employer Portal under the Employment queue after you submit your offer of employment online.  
  • If you applied by email, use your completed IMM 5802 and payment receipt for the employer compliance fee instead. 

5. proof you have the investment funds available to transfer to Canada, which are separate from your support funds 

6. A valid Police Clearance Certificate (PCC) 

7. Medical Examination results, if needed 

8. Business Plan  

9. A detailed staffing plan 

10. Your Resume 

11. Proof of your Exploratory visit (Optional) 

12. Documents highlighting your transferable skills (If applicable)